Meet TFTSV’S New Board Members

The First Tee of Silicon Valley recently added a new Director and an Ambassador to our Board. Joe Talley was a 20-year Senior Audit Partner with Deloitte from 1998-2018.  Over the past year he was an independent contractor and recently joined SOAProjects, Inc in April, 2019. Joe’s focus was in the area of Technology at Deloitte and he is currently working with Tech CEO’s in his new position. He is passionate about golf and was drawn to the TFTSV Director role because of the non-profit’s focus on youth development, core values and positive mentoring. He has been a member at Silver Creek Valley Country Club for 10 years. Jeffy Chang is currently an Engineering Project Manager at Apple. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University – Tepper School of Bus MBA, Production/Operations Management & IT and has undergrad BS degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Quantitative Economics. He has been a Parent Volunteer for TFTSV since 2017 and both his children are taking classes. Jeffy is looking forward to getting more involved as an Ambassador, especially to advise on the STEM classes/program. He endorses the program because it offers a safe environment, positive coaching, sense of family/community, and offers consistency and structure. Board Directors vote, provide planning, performance, legal and financial oversight and raise sufficient funds to ensure TFTSV’s success. Board Ambassadors give advice, assist with projects, represent the organization in the community at events, help raise funds, and expand TFTSV’s network throughout Silicon Valley and beyond. Click here to meet all our Board Members. Contact Judy Dixon if you have interest in learning more about a volunteer Board opportunity.
Jeffy Chang